

So today was podcast day and as you may have read earlier in this blog, recording the podcast is my absolute favourite thing.

This morning I was up at the ridiculously early hour of 9am to set up all the Microphone stands and such. It was a gloriously sunny day which is my favourite sort of day to record, as the sun streams into my living room and glints off the Champagne which we drink as we yammer on.

Today was – what I like to call – a treacle podcast. The other guys were yammering very well but I couldn’t seem to get off the ground. This occasionally happens and doesn’t really concern me. After all there are plenty of episodes in which I do get the bit between my teeth and it’s very rare for me to have two bad ones in a row. However don’t let me talk it down, it was still a very good podcast as Tom (top right) and Andy (bottom right) are fully capable of carrying me.

Anyway I was setting up the equipment when I heard a knock at the door. So I answered it. Standing outside was the postman; unusually three hours early. He had a package for which I was required to sign.  As I was signing I was aware that he was looking over my shoulder. Obviously he had noticed the equipment set up in the room behind me. There is quite a lot of it, as I did go rather overboard when buying it. At the time I set out to buy about £50 worth of stuff but the shopping mists descended and I finished up spending several hundred and we now have more equipment than a BBC O.B. You can imagine then how annoying it was when Richard Herring and Andrew Collins launched their podcast first, which was recorded on the internal microphone of a Macbook.  

Though I digress.

After signing for the package I thanked the postie and left the door ajar. Now I live in a small cottage which is in a row with two other cottages. Being small and close together any conversation held with a neighbour at the door can be overheard. The conversation I heard was the Postie telling my neighbour “looks like the bloke next door is setting up for a porn shoot.” How the hell did he reach such a conclusion?

Now I love podcasting and radio which let’s face it are pretty much the same media. However I can safely say that I’ve never settled down, todger in hand, to listen to a porn film. How dull would that be, it would be all slapping sounds and grunting. If I wanted to hear that I’d listen to Chris Moyles.  

Later in the day I tuned in to the BBCs new Saturday night family funfest ‘Merlin’. Now I wasn’t expecting much as I’d seen ‘Robin hood’ which was absolutely terrible,. But I was shocked to my core when I discovered that ‘Merlin’ was fantastic. The first thing I noticed was that they had taken a leaf out of Doctor Who’s book and concentrated on good writing, casting and directing. In fact the first episode was directed by Doctor Who stalwart James Hawes and even featured Eve Myles who viewers will know better as Gwen Cooper from Torchwood. The young lead Jethro Kane (who was also in an episode of Doctor Who) was instantly likeable. And the strong casting of Anthony Head as the King and Richard Wilson as Merlin’s mentor, really gave a feeling of solidity to the piece. With rounded characters and a pleasant story it really won me over.

Shit I’m writing like a critic! Anyway if you have it recorded watch it immediately and check out the thanks to Russell T Davies in the closing credits.

Right I’m off for a bath.

Martin Wolfenden

Back in the early days of this Century, I made some money by saying the odd funny thing in public. On one of these occasions a fellow funny talker told me that I should write a blog (because that was the sort of thing funny talking people did back then.) Now, I’m not the sort of person who does things the easy way, so I rejected all the ready made blogging platforms and started my own website. Since then it’s become a repository for whatever stuff is bubbling out of my brains and a directory of various podcasts and videos that I’ve made with my friends and is completely unnecessary.

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