
Coming Soon

I’m back at work.

People are often surprised that I have a day job. They think that I drift around the fringes of the comedy world earning money by magical means; however this is the real world so I go into work at 8am every day and leave at 4pm. Exactly what I do in that time will remain a secret but it involves an office and a computer.

There is a good reason for keeping my job a secret, by doing so I am able to keep it totally separate from the stuff I do in a very public and often embarrassing (for others) way. In fact I have put so much distance between the two jobs that it often feels like I’m stepping in and out of the Matrix. Happily the day job isn’t horrible and I even like my boss, so transition between the spheres isn’t too jarring. However this does leave me asking myself: which is the real world?


OK, yes, I am aware that they are both the real world, but which one do I choose?

Do I choose the regular income and dependability of the day job until I retire and die?


…do I attempt to carve out a career as a comedian?

Of course there’s no real competition, I know exactly what I want to do.

So this website will be changing soon. Those of you with a long memory may remember when this was the website of a comedian. It had a gig listing and other nonsense pertinent to a chap who shouted swears on a stage. Well, these will return and this blog will form part of the site but will no longer be on the front page. This is going to be a long hard slog but I invite you to keep coming back to watch my mental breakdown. The gig list will be empty for a long time as I try out new material  at open mic nights and find my feet again. You will also see a change in my contributions to The Gentleman’s Review. At the moment I roll out of bed and mumble into a microphone, which has served me well until now but that doesn’t do me or the listeners justice.

In other news we are working on a The Gentleman’s Review show. It looks like it will be me and Andy doing a sketch and stand-up show based around the idea of a podcast. It has been done before but we want to do it better.

But for the time being, the day job will continue, because it keeps me sane and with a roof over my head.

CUE: Eye of the Tiger and roll montage.

CUT TO: Man in a cheap hotel room, wanking and crying.

Martin Wolfenden

Back in the early days of this Century, I made some money by saying the odd funny thing in public. On one of these occasions a fellow funny talker told me that I should write a blog (because that was the sort of thing funny talking people did back then.) Now, I’m not the sort of person who does things the easy way, so I rejected all the ready made blogging platforms and started my own website. Since then it’s become a repository for whatever stuff is bubbling out of my brains and a directory of various podcasts and videos that I’ve made with my friends and is completely unnecessary.

One thought on “Coming Soon

  • The very best of luck to you. Love the podcast (Steve), it’s very funny indeed so I’m sure your comedy will be er… gold. And stuff.


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