
BSL Blunder

Well it’s been another odd day!

This afternoon I was sitting at my desk minding my own business, when one of my colleagues who just happens to be deaf, popped over to ask me a question. Sadly he tends to forget that I don’t sign so I sat for an age feeling foolish for not understanding (quite right too) and trying to work out what he was asking me. Finally I got the gist and stood up to point out the file he wanted. However as I did this my thumb got caught between the chair arm and the underside of my desk causing me to wave my hand about in pain. At this point he looked really insulted and walked away. Wish I knew what I’d said to him!

Martin Wolfenden

Back in the early days of this Century, I made some money by saying the odd funny thing in public. On one of these occasions a fellow funny talker told me that I should write a blog (because that was the sort of thing funny talking people did back then.) Now, I’m not the sort of person who does things the easy way, so I rejected all the ready made blogging platforms and started my own website. Since then it’s become a repository for whatever stuff is bubbling out of my brains and a directory of various podcasts and videos that I’ve made with my friends and is completely unnecessary.

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